We care for the overall Church Health of our KCKBA churches
All churches go through seasons of ministry and the KCKBA is here to walk alongside our churches so they can be the church family God intends for them to be. We support existing congregations towards effective ministries in their community.


All churches go through transitions and we can come alongside to be a counsel to navigate those changes.


We would like to think a church would never find themselves in a conflict but we are human. We can help churches walk through a rough patch to find healthy resolution.

There are lifecycles to a church’s life and we can come alongside to help a church find new life and place in their community.

As the world around us changes so do the administrative needs of our churches change.
Constitution / By-Laws, IRS reporting and requirements
Facilities & ministry systems needs
Web & Social media consult
We will not have all the answers but we have a great network that can come alongside and support us!